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Stylify generates utility-first CSS dynamically based on what you write. Write HTML. Get CSS.

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@stylify/nuxt introduction

Note: This plugin is for Nuxt 3 and newer versions. For older versions see @stylify/nuxt-module.

Stylify is a library that uses CSS-like selectors to generate optimized utility-first CSS dynamically based on what you write.
Don't study framework. Focus on coding.

The Nuxt module is a package for symplifing the Stylify integration into the Nuxt.js.
It automatically bundles CSS, mangles selectors and also provides a Stylify Profiler extension for easier development.

Stylify preview

⚡ Why Stylify instead of CSS or inline styles?

Because of fewer CSS headaches, faster coding and extremely optimized output.

✨ Features

🔥 Prepared Copy&Paste Headless Components

Want to know more?

  • Live examples and tutorials can be found in documentation.
  • Information about each release can be found in releases.
  • Have an idea? Found a bug? Feel free to create an issue.


Node>= 14

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Copyright (c) 2021-present, Vladimír Macháček